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28 Aprile 2019
Innovat&Match 2019

Innovat&Match è il B2B dedicato a imprese, start-up, laboratori di ricerca, università e cluster che si svolgerà a Bologna il 6 e 7 giugno 2019 nell'ambito di Research to Business, il Salone Internazionale della Ricerca Industriale e delle Competenze per l’Innovazione. CNA Emilia Romagna è support office per iscriversi all’evento (iscrizioni entro il 20/5/2019)

30 Gennaio 2019
Bando Roveri

Micro e piccole imprese insediate in Zona Roveri possono accedere a contributi per aggiornamento tecnologico e innovazione di processo / prodotto

10 Luglio 2017
Confermata la collaborazione tra CNA Bologna e Unibo

Favorire la nascita di start up innovative, rafforzare la collaborazione tra Ateneo e imprese, facilitare l’inserimento nelle aziende bolognesi di stagisti provenienti dal mondo universitario. Sono questi i tre punti forti della convenzione firmata il 6 luglio 2017 dal Rettore dell’Università di Bologna Francesco Ubertini e dal Direttore Generale della Cna di Bologna Cinzia Barbieri. 

05 Giugno 2018

In occasione dell'edizione 2018 di Research to Business, giovedì 7 giugno 2018 alle ore 10.30 CNA Emilia Romanga ha organizzato incontro di approfondimento per l'innovazione della filiera alimentare.

23 Aprile 2018
LA FILIERA 4.0 - Imprese Artigiane e PMI di fronte alla quarta rivoluzione industriale

Workshop organizzato dai Giovani Imprenditori di CNA Bologna con l’obiettivo di trasmettere alle PMI, giovani e non, consapevolezza e fiducia verso le opportunità offerte dalla rivoluzione industriale in atto. 

19 Giugno 2018
ODONTOIATRIA 4.0 - seminario di aggiornamento

Seminario organizzato dal Digital Innovation Hub di CNA Bologna per un aggiornamento, rivolto a studi medici e laboratori odontotecnici, sulle tecnologie digitali con cui efficientare i processi nel settore dentale e sugli incentivi nazionali disponibili. Iniziativa organizzata nell'ambito del progetto BOLOGNIMRESA 4.0 cofinanziato dalla CCIAA di Bologna.

05 Giugno 2018

Si terrà il 20 giugno 2018 presso la sede del DICAM una  giornata di incontro tra studenti, aziende ed enti del settore civile, chimico e ambientale per confrontarsi su trend di ricerca, esigenze formative e nuovi percorsi lavorativi.

05 Giugno 2018
Presentato Gait Tutor, il riabilitatore virtuale di mHealth Technologies

Lo scorso 12 maggio, in occasione della tavola rotonda internazionale "Rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: current practice, technology and innovation", la startup mHealth Technologies, nata in Unibo, ha presentato il proprio riabilitatore virtuale. Un bell'esempio di collaborazione tra Unibo e le imprese di CNA Bologna.

19 Marzo 2018

Segnalazione di un programma di finanziamento europeo a supporto dei progetti che aspirano a rendere la bioeconomia driver della crescita economica dell'UE. CNA Bologna e CiaoTech-gruppo PNO a supporto delle imprese che hanno progettualità che si possano candidare a tale programma.

13 Agosto 2015

Una ricerca dell’Assessorato alle Attività Produttive della Regione Emilia Romagna con incarico all’ Associazione Valore Lavoro di Bologna, svolta in collaborazione con CNA Bologna, sulle trasformazioni dell’economia in Emilia Romagna. Realizzata da: Vittorio Capecchi, Sergio Caserta, Angiolo Tavanti.

19 Marzo 2018
Relazioni tra PMI e UNIBO: come proseguire il percorso

Disponibili le presentazioni dei due incontri svolti a fine 2017 per presentare alcuni importanti laboratori di Unibo che svolgono ricerca su tematiche il cui sviluppo interessa le imprese bolognesi. CNA a disposizione per supportare le imprese per gli approfondimenti successivi.

12 Luglio 2016
Semplificazioni costitutive per le start up innovative

Approvati con DM del MiSE format e procedure per applicare la semplificazione per la fase costitutiva delle start up innovative.

02 Luglio 2018
Sostegno alla creazione e al consolidamento di start up Innovative

Aperto il bando regionale per erogare contributi a fondo perduto a sostegno delle startup innovative costituitesi dal 2/7/2013. 

31 Luglio 2018
TIROCINI & JOB PLACEMENT, opportunità per le imprese e modalità operative

Nel seminario del 12 settembre 2018, organizzato in collaborazione con il Settore Rapporti con le Imprese di Unibo, saranno approfondite le opportunità e le modalità per attivare tirocini o per cercare laureati con il profilo richiesto. I servizi per i tirocini e il job placement saranno illustrati anche attraverso il racconto di esperienze positive fatte da imprese e da studenti

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EHEALTH AND MOBILE HEALTH CLUSTER - It is focused on ICT-based solutions in the healthcare field aiming to create innovative eHealth platforms and mobile Health medical devices.

Cluster Driver: The cluster is driven by mHealth Technologies mHT ( in collaboration with the University of Bologna - Centre for the Study of Industrial Life Sciences and Health Technologies (

Driver Company description: mHealth Technologies S.R. is a spin-off of the University of Bologna. They were born in 2014 following successful experiences matured in national and international research activities in the field of active and healthy ageing and in the field of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease.  They are a team of expert researchers in the fields of movement analysis, signal processing, algorithm development, wearable sensors, and data mining. They propose mobile health solutions for monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of the motor function. The ambitious objective of mHT is to take healthcare out of the hospital and to embed it into people’s lives.

European Projects:;

Contact Person: PAOLO BERTUZZI – email:



ROBOTIC AND MECHATRONICS CLUSTER - It is focused on the technology transfer of Robotic and Mechatronics know how in the field of Robotic Medical Devices. In partnership with UNIBO CIRI MAM ( and UNIBO ARCES ( are actively supporting all the cluster’s activities.

Cluster Driver: the cluster is driven by Lamipress SRL ( in collaboration with MIB4.0

Driver Company description: The cluster is driven by Lamipress SRL ( in partnership with MIB4.0 Lamipress srl was founded in 1993 in Bologna, Italy, by the Piccinini brothers Ermete and Mauro, who have been shareholders of Meccanica Stamper srl since 1979 (specialising in assembly and manufacture of automated machinery).  In 2008 we started pursuing projects on robotic application, firstly in our plant and then as supervisor of other companies’ projects, developing the mechanical parts in house and collaborating with partner companies for the software

The company specialises in the manufacturing of sheared components providing its customers with a finished product starting from the design phase to the manufacture of moulds and up to thermal and surface treatments on the manufactured item. The high quality of the supplies is due to thirty years of experience in the sector and an accurate control of all machining phases. The great synergies achieved by the merging of Lamipress and Meccanica Stamper combining the knowhow of both allow us to offer our customer both assembled and sub assembly pieces.

In partnership with UNIBO CIRI MAM ( and UNIBO ARCES

European Project: FP7 Project: CARLOS

Contact Person ROBERTA PICCININI – email:



ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLUSTER - It is focused on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, reducing the energy consumption and prolonging the system lifetime.

Cluster Driver: the cluster is driven by Cedac Software ( in collaboration with Network of CNA Bologna installers Energy Excellence Club (

Driver Company description: Cedac's expertise is the result of the interaction between two areas in which it developed its business. The first is banking/finance, with high performing WEB BASED applications able to sustain intensive loads in terms of number of users and concurrent accesses, in a secure and confidential environment with very high levels of service;  the second area of expertise is the industry, with products and services that target different areas: Smart Home, Smart Factory, Smart Energy Auditing, with a range of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions that feature extremely high functional efficiency, low consumption, total automation, significant energy savings and a high degree of comfort. The results achieved by leveraging our combined know-how in software and hardware, with the development of both direct and marketed products, are reflected in our offer capable of meeting diverse needs in any environmental condition regardless of the technologies employed, easy to use and with results immediately perceivable by the end user.

Relevant projects: Condominium:; Network of CNA Bologna installers (Energy Excellence Club):

Contact Person ING. DANILO PICHINI – email:



ELECTROSPINNING CLUSTER FOR NANOSTRUCTURED FIBRES AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS - The cluster is focused on Design and manufacture a wide range  of electrospinning units  and its accessories  both standard and on demand. Consultancy service for designing a complete electrospinning process starting from different polymeric materials engineered for specific applications.

Cluster Driver: the cluster is driven by SpinBow srl in collaboration with the interdisciplinary research group on electrospinning of the University of Bologna ( ).

Driver Company description[f1] : Spinbow S.R.L. was founded in 2012 as a result of collaboration of companies located in Bologna and research centers. The shareholders of Spinbow are entrepreneurs whose companies work in the field of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electronics and precision mechanics and by researchers in chemical science, mechanical and electrical engineering as well as in the nanostructured materials science area. Thanks to the company capability and expertise, Spinbow can offer high quality support for selecting the proper polymers and substrates tailored to the specific requests and needs of our customers. Spinbow srl is part of a large network of companies whose name is INNOVANET where different clusters work developing new technologies and materials which benefit the companies in the network. Cluster eHealth, Cluster robotics, Cluster energy efficiency, Cluster composite materials. Spinbow S.r.l. is involved in projects that aim to improve the quality of life (e.g quality of life of people with different abilities, reduction of environmental impact of industrial processes).

Contact Person LORENZINA FALCHIERI – email:[f2] 



AUGMENTED REALITY CLUSTER -The cluster is focused in the field of Augmented Reality and it is represented by a group of companies that brings together three companies (Eostech , Nowhere , Ramanet Internet service) with solid experience in the ICT field that operate for 15 years in the field of hardware/software. The staff includes more than 20 professionals specializing in software development and digital communication engineering.

Cluster Driver: the cluster is driven by Yoomee Technologies ( that realizes customized solutions using Augmented Reality technology.

Driver Company description[f3] : Yoomee Technologies develops technological solutions of Reality Increased for reducing the costs and to innovate products and trials. To do it uses a consolidated expertise. This company work on: Mobile apps, Promotion & Analytics, Smart objects & Internet of things, Embedded systems, Sensor network RFID tag, Indoor positioning

Contact Person GABRIELLA ABBATE – email:; MAURO ALEOTTI – email:



ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING CLUSTER - It is focused on digital fabrication and all 3D technologies (3D modelling, 3D scanning and 3D printing). We provide support to companies that want to bring these new technologies innovating and creating new ways of working.

Cluster Driver: The cluster is driven by Studio Pedrini and JUNO Design ( In collaboration with University of Bologna - DIEM  ( ) and University of Kraljevo "3D Impulse" Laboratory – Serbia ( ). The members of Studio Pedrini and JUNO companies are also technical sponsor of Fablab Valsamoggia for open-innovation projects and making.

Driver Company description[f4] : JUNO Design besides being a sought design office, they make available their knowledge of reverse engineering and additive manufacturing since early 2000s. They are a pioneer in Italy of the press 3D and with a twenty-year network of qualified partner, they are able to realize prototype in rapid time guaranteeing aesthetics and elevated quality. The members of Studio Pedrini and JUNO companies are also technical sponsor of Fablab Valsamoggia for open-innovation projects and making. Today, the activity of the Studio is about the planning of automatic cars, industrial design and of the product with execution of constructive sketches. Active collaboration with the University of Bologna – DIEM ( ) and University of Kraljevo "3D Impulse" Laboratory – Serbia ( ).

Contact Person MICHELE MONTI[f5]  – email:



COMPUTER VISION CLUSTER - This cluster is focused on projects concerning image analysis and scene understanding in different fields of computer vision, pattern recognition and signal processing, using single and multiple cameras, with different wavelength (visual, IR, X-ray, etc.) and sensing technologies (capacitive, inertial, magnetic, etc.).

Cluster Driver: the cluster is driven by Computer Vision Group (CVG) of the University of Bologna

Driver Company description[f6] : Computer Vision Group develops projects based on image analysis and scene understanding in different application fields, using single and multiple cameras, with different wavelength (visual, IR, X-ray, etc.), often integrated with sensing technologies (capacitive, inertial, magnetic, etc.), in a Vision-based IoT environment. CVG has been carrying out a well-established industrial research activity, in collaboration with leading industries in agribusiness, manufacturing and automotive sectors to develop industrial prototypes in several fields, including defect analysis and quality control, exploiting real time static and temporal image analysis techniques concerning automatic measurements (image metrology), pattern recognition and classification. CVG is also involved in biomedical research activities jointly with Hospitals and medical research Centres

Contact Person [f7]  ALESSANDRO BEVILACQUA– email[f8] :



Descrizione sintetica dell'attività  
Anno di costituzione 2018
Strumento giuridico utilizzato dalla rete  
N. imprese dell'aggregazione
Fattori che hanno spinto gli imprenditori ad aggregarsi  
Famiglia prodotto/servizio/attività  
Tipologia di clienti ITALIA  
Tipologia di clienti ESTERO  
Obiettivi breve-medio termine  
Tipologia di aggregazione  
Criteri di selezione  
Prodotti/servizi/attività che potrebbero completare l'offerta  
Indirizzo internet  
Sinergie d'impresa
Progetto per lo sviluppo delle reti d'impresa di CNA Bologna
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